Tell us your story.
I landed in education technology unintentionally, through a series of informational interviews that Christina Catalano set up. If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard of this tech guru, that’s because she’s not—she’s my aunt.
But I quickly fell in love with the idea of using technology to change the way that the world works. And I have never looked back.
So many have helped me get to where I am today (which is still a ways from “there”). I always make it a point to understand how colleagues have advanced in their careers. By showing interest and sharing my passions, I found a support system of friends and industry peers who wanted to help me succeed.
What do you most want other women and young girls to know about being a woman in our digital culture?
You can make a career in tech even if you don’t know how to code. There’s a role for digital marketers and tech executives and any proactive woman in tech helps further the goals of all women in tech. Even though I now see how beneficial it would have been if I’d put in the time to learn to code and design while I was very young, it’s never too late. I’m taking my first coding class tomorrow morning. Led by Shannon Turner - someone I admire - I’ll be joining many women for a Hear Me Code beginner class and can’t wait to see how it helps me see new possibilities in the tech world.