Tell us your story.

When I was at university, I started as a member with INSAT Android Club. It was/is the first Android Club in Tunisia since 2011. I was studying at another univeristy at the time and I said to myself, I can create a club at my univeristy too with my friends. So I did, I called the club ISET Bizerte Club Android. I loved this club-it changed every thing in my life. I had exposure to new experiences with my friend and my teachers. I also met more student from other universities.

I was the Club President and I now work with GDG Bizerte (Google Developer Groups). The work with GDG was another great experience. I know from this group that I have become more intelligent. GDG was seeking a person who was active, motivated and with strong perspective and I knew I had these qualities. I learned to give more energy to the team and the team became a new family for me, with new friends and a new source of motivation and determination. Our team works together, shares learnings and we help each other. They help me improve my knowledge every day. I am now a Co-Organizer and now I am Co-Manager which makes me very happy. It's a pleasure to be a part of this great team.

What do you most want other women and young girls to know about being a woman in our digital culture?

To support women in technology you must be: Involved in what you like and what you do. Encourage yourself and don't be afraid. Try to be a good role model for others, help people understand the importance of projects and to help them select a project, grow their presence and impact in society, stay relevant, keep improving and innovating, never stop learning. Don't let anyone disregard you, never compare yourself to others, never give up and keep creating.

Pass it on! Who has inspired you, and who do you hope to inspire?

My teachers, Amal lahouel and Ahmed Zaki Jenhani have been a huge inspiration to me.

The Women in Tech campaign exists to help redefine what women in technology means in the 21st century. Started independently by a group of professional women who, after many impassioned discussions about women in tech knew we wanted to expand this definition beyond 'traditional' technology skills. To us, it includes most every current, emerging or evolving role within an organization. By featuring leaders and emerging leaders across industries who embody this we hope to collectively 'stand up', be proud of our place in the digital world and inspire young women or those new to the 'tech space' to get involved.